Name as it appears on the ballot: Christopher “Chris” Ott

Ballotpedia Link:
Campaign Website, Social Media, Endorsement Links:
Campaign Contact Information:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 972-987-9149

Dallas Morning News Questionnaire Link (not yet available)

Questionnaire Answers:

1) Have you held any positions within the city/ISD, either with the city/ISD itself or with non-profit / community service organizations?

I’ve been blessed to have served in many capacities. From 2009-10 served on the Fire and Building codes board (appointed by then Mayor Ron Jones). Also served as District 8 Plan Commissioner from 2010-2023 with three years as the Vice Chairman. This term spanned across three City Council members (Lathan, Cahill and Smith). In addition, I’ve served as Vice President of Garland’s Magic 11th Street Foundation and helped as a volunteer with The Garland Parks Foundation. Both are local 501(c)3 organizations dedicated to further improving the lives of Garland’s citizens.

2) Have you attended a city council or school board meeting in person?

Many of both. With close to 15 years of service with the City of Garland, the count of council meetings I’ve attended must be in the hundreds. As for the school board, I’ve attended about a dozen over the years.

3) Have you read the city/ISD budget? If so, did you have any takeaways from it?

I have read the City of Garland budget. I’m always amazed at what it takes to run a City, especially one with the scale and scope of the City of Garland. The cost of Fire and Police budgets comes to about 70% of our financial resources. Being a good steward of the funds is mandatory.

4) What would you say is your primary responsibility in the position you are running for?

My primary function is to be the steward of the public trust for the citizens of Garland’s District 8. The people of District 8 vote for a representative to make decisions that have current and future effect. Striking the balance of citizen current desire and future needs within economic reality is never ending.

5) What other responsibilities do you believe come with this role?

The position requires being a communicator for the District both internally and externally. Near daily calls and emails require personal attention. Also, communicating to the city staff in an effective way helps to ease our citizens concerns, correct issues and maximize the potential of our staff members.

6) Name three things that you want to accomplish while in office.

Further the creation of a modern community hospital and medical district.

Significantly improve the economic underpinnings of the City to ease the financial burden of the citizens and provide funds to develop the city.

7) Are there programs or services you want to see reduced in size or canceled? Why?

No response from candidate

8) Are there programs or services you want to see created or expanded? Why?

I’d like to create a program for the voluntary re-development of our oldest neighborhoods. I’ve begun the steps of exploring the creation of bounded 380 agreement zones. These zones will incentivize development of individual homes and neighborhoods in a way that improves lives and strengthens the economic underpinnings of these specific areas.

9) What are your strategic objectives for your district, the city, or the ISD?

Without a doubt, the realization of a modern community hospital and its surrounding infrastructure. The community has been unanimous in voicing concern of being the largest city in Texas that does not have a hospital.

10) What are the city’s/district’s biggest challenges, and how do you want to address them?

The city has done a masterful job of managing our resources to improve the city while growing economics. This spans far before my joining the council, but requires every one of us to understand the issue. We must get ahead of the infrastructure curve and continue economic development. Being an inner ring city, mostly built out, we’re turning our eye to re-development. It is an exciting time for Garland, but far different than most understand. We’re one of the few cities that manage services such as electrical generation and distribution, sewer treatment, water supply, landfill operations and much more. Having these resources managed locally gives us unparalleled services but also requires extra planning for the future of each. We have infrastructure needs for these PLUS what we normally think of: streets, drainage, etc. Furthering our plan of carefully investing in economic development plus detailed management of our current resources is the key to Garland’s brightest days ahead.

Campaign-Related Filings

Treasurer Appointment

Petition for Office

Campaign Finance Reports and Disclosures
2025 January 15th Campaign Finance Report